We just realized . Perhaps if the various TV stations had anchored beautiful women as in Europe, we take Melissa Theuriau, for example, perhaps young people with adults would iinclined in spending couple minutes everyday just theews and realizes what is going on around them, which tthink you do

The parents areot held responsible for themselves and their children. Back in the day, if We wereot a test, We will be punished.ow day, it is the teacher who gets into trouble by parents for their children flunking. We will be in a rotten society, the first instinct to leave the blame on someone else. Parentseed to be more involved with their children, education, and doot expect the teacher to hand out A's for everyone just for showing up.
Main reason vast majority Americans are uneducated andot interested in watching theews
The main reason most Americans are uneducated andot interested in the messages to


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